Analytics Overview2024-07-16T21:39:36+00:00

Bedrock Analytics Overview

Understanding CPG sales and marketing analytics has never been easier.

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Your CPG Sales Data, Simplified

The easy-to-use Bedrock Analytics platform turns raw data into beautiful, insightful visualizations that show you exactly what’s going on with your products, categories, markets, and channels.

Import and harmonize syndicated and retail portal CPG data. Segment the data for custom visualizations, and save them for future reference. See topline reports, opportunities and threats. Track promotions and events.

Create compelling sales stories, and export them to your own branded presentations.

Bedrock Core

Bedrock Core provides the foundational toolset that CPG companies need to win at shelf, and stay ahead of the competition.

Core, Bedrock’s groundbreaking cloud-based insights platform, analyzes product and market data, and tells clear, compelling stories with meaningful insights.

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Bedrock Assist

With Bedrock Assist, customers get an additional layer of professional services that deliver success with tailored assistance, and custom data-rich presentations.

Our analysts have extensive CPG backgrounds and sharp analytical skills. They can help you address the challenges of market data complexity, and deliver the insights you need to win.

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